Entertainment Downloads

The most popular form of downloading today is music downloading; it is one of the most popular actions performed on the web. This involves a user purchasing their chosen music files from any music store such as ITunes store or Amazon MP3 and saving it within their own files, it is then possible to transfer these music files on to their IPod or phone. Through these sites, the user can listen to almost any song anywhere for a reasonable price.
Although, this also means that illegal music downloading is an extremely common problem today. To overcome this problem many anti-piracy laws have been introduced; also various illegal sites; such as LimeWire have been shut down permanently.
Movie downloads are also popular with online browsers today, this is similar to music downloading just with films rather than music. Movie download sites allow users to watch nearly any movie requested online. A couple of examples of film browsing websites include Lovefilm and Netflix; these both have increased in popularity along with movie downloading altogether. However, there are also forms of movie piracy, meaning some users are watching illegally downloaded movies instead of paying. As a result from this cinemas are drastically struggling with money issues through loss of customers. Cinema companies have also reacted to the problem of piracy by making short anti-piracy films.

BBC IPlayer
BBC IPlayer is part of bbc.co.uk; it allows you to watch TV at anytime you want.

Once you have chosen what you want to watch, you can either play the programme immediately, this method is known as 'streaming', or instead you can download it to your computer to watch when it’s most convenient for yourself.
If you have a more modern computing device such as the IPad hopefully you can just choose a programme and hit the play button. However, if you have an older computer, you may be asked to download 'Flash Player', this software will allow you to play the programme.
Spotify is instant, fun and simple, it is one of the most recent and up to date ways to enjoy music. It offers you legal and free access to a large library of music. All you are required to do is create an account and start to download our streaming music player. You simply download and install, and straight away you can start downloading music, you are spoiled for choice. You can search anything from the genre, artist or song of your choice.
Spotify aim is to connect millions of people with their favourite songs by creating a programme that people love to use daily.
· There are no restrictions when it comes to what music you wish to play and download.
· There is no longer the hassle of waiting for files to download, also they don’t fill up your hard drive before you get round to organising them.
· Music has many social aspects, Spotify allows you to share songs and playlists with friends.
There are many types of entertainment among the web today, one of the main sectors being the music industry, ITunes today is the most popular music download website today and is used by millions on a daily basis.

In 2005 video support was introduced to iTunes with the release of iTunes 4.8. This allows the user to purchase an ever larger selection of multimedia for their computing device; these include videos such as movies and music videos. Users can drag and drop video clips from the computer into the iTunes Library for organization. They are then available to download on to other MP3 devices so you can watch anytime, even when on the go.
There is also an ‘App’ section on iTunes keeps track of all of the apps the user has downloaded or purchased. It also organizes their apps by genre, such as games and social networking sites; these would both be segregated into their own section. There is an additional tab that allows the user view all of their apps together. It also informs the user quire regularly when they have updates for their apps, these updates are optional.
In 2010, Apple announced the new release of the IPad, along with this a new app for it came too, this is called iBooks. The application performs two functions, the first function being a direct link to the iTunes book store, called iBookstore, which can be accessed on any iOS device and computers. The second reason was for a storage place for downloaded books from the iBookstore; these can be either free or purchased.
You Tube
You Tube is the largest video sharing website today, is becoming a website that some people use on a daily basis. You Tube allows people upload videos of anything that a person has decided to record or produce. These videos are made by people because their interests have influenced them, or of anything they want to aware the public of, but these videos have to abide by the terms and conditions. On You Tube you can listen to new music via Vevo or just videos people have made because they enjoy that song. You can also catch up on some television series or programmes; these are usually uploading in parts E.g. each different scene.

An E-reader allows you to download books from the internet and save them onto your personal E-reader; this device can hold thousands of books at once. E-readers allows the users to be able to read wherever they want to without having to carry multiple books around, that would take up a lot of space. An E-reader is thin and lightweight which is ideal for everyday use. The most popular E-reader is the Kindle; these have had negative effects on book stores. Book stores have lost out on many sales because people will be downloading E-books instead of purchasing a paperback book from your local store.

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